Friday, July 10, 2009

Emergency Food: Ted's Montana Grill

I suppose that it is a good thing that I feel the need to explain myself when choosing to dine at a chain restaurant. goes:

-We have no "real food" at home right now
-We were in possession of a $10 gift card from Ted's
-The restaurant is four blocks from the office
-They make fresh french fries

Tonight it was the "Buffalo Margarita" ice cold and chugable mix of Sapphire Gin, Cointreau and fresh citrus juice; chopped salad of iceberg, corn, chickpeas, salami, red onion, basic vinaigrette; and the fried fish sandwich - with fries of course. The squishy dark rye bun is a nice companion to the crunchy and tender fish.

I actually had to add some salt to the dish - a rare activity when supping on chow at a big chain restaurant.

Guilty as charged...I actually enjoyed my meal.

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