Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I love it a latte

Now that simply making damn good espresso drinks thrills me no more, I've become somewhat obsessed with banging out sexy latte art - you know, making little hearts and flowers and anime characters in the foam?

So far, my latte art has a "modern" sensibility to it. That is to say that it really doesn't resemble anything. Unless of course, you're into amoeba and other formless, single celled organisms. Which, as I look at the beverage in front of me, is a damn fine example of amoeba latte art.

Yesterday, I took my espresso maker to work. Hey, some people bring their pets or children to the office and neither of these have ever made me a macchiato after lunch. In these ugly economic times with lay-offs in the air, I am not above making an emotional plea to stay on board. As the self described office coffee bitch, I was slinging out latte's and americano's like a drive-through Starbucks in the suburbs. This either made me everyone's new best buddy...or it made me look like a distracted coffee-craving slacker. Uh-oh...

More latte art research:

Examples from Seattle coffee house Vivace:

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